Premonstratensis of StrahovHistorical mapsFrom the Strahov Library’s collection four symbolic maps have been selected. Their artistic conception goes beyond the culture of geographical landscape representation. These include the map Europa Regina (Queen Europe), published in 1516, where the Queen carries different parts of Europe on her body. The original copperplate was hand-coloured. On the world map in the form of a three-leaf clover with Jerusalem as the symbolic centre, the individual leaves could represent the three continents known at the time — Europe, Asia and Africa. Another map is the Map of Asia in the form of the winged horse Pegasus, known from Greek mythology. The Holy Land is on the horse's chest and Jerusalem is its heart. The last map is of Bohemia in the form of a rose. Bohemia is depicted as a lovely, remarkable country with a rich history, where many saints and venerable men and women were born and lived. The symbolic form of the rose carries charm and appeal. The graphic concept of these maps is in a simple folder, where we use printing in blue spot colour. Again, we have borrowed the initials from the Gouda font, which dominate the individual texts. We have chosen a printing paper with structure because of the original draft.
Client: the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov
Authors: Klára Kvízová, Matyáš Bartoň
Cooperation: Ambrož Petr Šámal, O.Praem., Marek František Drábek, O.Praem.
Typeface: Trivia Strahov, Trivia Humanist, Goudy Initials
Photo on the web: Oskar Helcel